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Know the law? The company requires uniform dress, (8th Dec 22 at 1:44am UTC)Quote Reply
Original title: Know the law? The company requires uniform dress, and the cost of work clothes is paid by employees! Is this legal? Enterprise work clothes are not issued by the state. It can motivate employees to work hard. Then some small partners raised questions. "Is it legal for enterprises to require employees to bear the cost of tooling?" Case Ms. Deng joined a cosmetics limited company and became a shopping guide for cosmetics companies in a cosmetics counter in a shopping mall, with an agreed monthly salary of 5000 yuan and a commission of 1% of sales. However, the cosmetics company asked Ms. Deng to buy the uniform clothes required by the shopping mall, saying that she could only be reimbursed by the payment vouchers of the shopping mall after she became a full member. Once she left her job in advance,Medical Disposable Coverall, including resignation and dismissal of the company, she would be regarded as giving up the right to reimburse the purchase of work clothes automatically. Expand the full text Ms. Deng felt that the salary was acceptable, so she bought work clothes at her own expense and went through the entry formalities. Soon,Against Bacteria Breathable KN95 Face Mask, because Ms. Deng's mother was ill and needed to be taken care of by her family, she had no choice but to submit her resignation letter to the cosmetics company. However, because his work clothes were really useless, he asked the cosmetics company to buy back the work clothes, free shipping disposable coverall ,CE Certificate KN95 Mask, but was refused. So Ms. Deng appealed to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission and asked the company to buy back the work clothes. Labor arbitration After hearing, the Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission found that the cosmetics company's request for Ms. Deng to purchase work clothes at her own expense was a disguised form of collecting property from her, which should be paid by the cosmetics company. Therefore, it finally supported Ms. Zheng's appeal request and ruled that the cosmetics company should return the purchase fee of work clothes. Link to the law According to Article 9 of the Labor Contract Law, when an employer recruits a worker, it shall not detain the worker's resident identity card or other documents, nor shall it require the worker to provide a guarantee or collect property from the worker in any other name. According to Article 84 of the Labor Contract Law, if an employer, in violation of the provisions of this Law, detains a worker's resident identity card and other documents, the labor administrative department shall order the worker to return them within a time limit and impose penalties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Where an employing unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law, collects property from a laborer in the name of guarantee or other names, the labor administrative department shall order it to return the property to the laborer within a time limit, and impose a fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan per person, and if it causes damage to the laborer,Medical Quickly Delivery Antivirus Coverall, it shall be liable for compensation. If a laborer dissolves or terminates his labor contract in accordance with the law, and the employing unit detains the laborer's archives or other articles, a fine shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Chief Editor: Zhang Jie Editor: Qiong Yao Source: Longquanyi Workers' Home Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.
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