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Big entertainer (4th Jan 23 at 4:45am UTC)Quote Reply
Welcome our guests today, my closest brother Li Jingyuan, as well as Girls' Generation and ka. Members of Group a. After waiting for everyone to sit down, Liu Zaishi said with a smile that the expression on his face was a little more excited than usual when recording the program, partly because of Li Jingyuan's arrival, and partly because he saw so many beautiful and lovely girls. You're so happy today. Don't laugh too much later. Jin yuanxi, of course, saw Liu Zaishi's expression. After working together for such a long time, she knew very well when and what to say to adjust the atmosphere, so she put on a little jealous expression and teased Liu Zaishi. Hey hey, I know, I will certainly do my part as a host, absolutely not too excited, when hosting will be fair. Brother, is it necessary to exaggerate? Even the word justice is used. It's not like you're going to be a judge. Seeing what Liu Zaishi said was so exaggerated, Yin Zhiyuan put in a sentence with a smile. This was not the end. After he finished teasing Liu Zaishi, he turned his spearhead to Jin yuanxi: "And sister yuanxi, you are also not right. Obviously, you are also very happy. Why do you only say brother Zaishi?" Hearing Yin Zhiyuan's words, Kim yuan-hee laughed with a little embarrassment. However, she really deserved to be the representative of the mother-level figures in the Korean entertainment industry. She quickly said: "Hehe, in fact, I am also very happy. I am also very excited to see Jing yuan Xi." "Sister yuanxi,secondary containment pallet, just call me Jingyuan directly. Don't say honorific. You're so familiar with Brother Shi, so don't be so strange." Li Jingyuan also said with a smile. Really? Then I'll call you Kyung-won. A few people exchanged pleasantries for a while, in addition to Girls' Generation and ka. A's girls also spent a little time greeting, watching a lot of time wasted, at this time the auxiliary MC began to play a role. Kim Na-young took out an envious and jealous expression and said directly: "In the stone oppa, yuanxi sister, I am also a guest today, you also take care of me ~!" In the South Korean entertainment circle,ibc spill pallet, Kim Na-young and Hyun-young's voices are the most distinctive. Hyun-young is a little better, just a little bit of a natural sweet voice, while Kim Na-young is a pure loud voice, so when she shouts like this, she immediately interrupts the greetings of Yoo Jae-seok and Kim yuan-hee. You? Look in the mirror first. If no one answered, it would be a bit impolite for Kim Na-young to make a sudden sound, so when she said this, Lu Hongzhe, who was sitting next to her, immediately answered, which not only eased the little embarrassment, but also made a joke by the way, which made the whole atmosphere much better. Ignoring the small quarrel between Lu Hongzhe and Jin Na Ying on the edge, Yoo Jae-seok continued to host, and he motioned to the girls sitting on his right hand and asked them to introduce themselves to the camera. Hello everyone, I'm Taeyeon, plastic pallet crates ,collapsible pallet bin, the leader of Girls' Generation, and I'm very happy to meet you here. "Hello, I'm.." …… "Hello, I'm Li Jingyuan!" After a round, Li Jingyuan was the last one to introduce himself. Hey, Jingyuan, you look a little stiff. What's the matter? Are you not used to it? When Li Jingyuan finished greeting, Liu Zaishi immediately asked him, because Li Jingyuan's appearance just now did look a little unnatural, ordinary people may not be able to detect, but Liu Zaishi, who is so familiar with him, will not fail to see it. Yeah, I'm not used to it. Li Jingyuan did not deny it either. He scratched his head and admitted: "Well, I don't have much experience like this. As you know, I basically haven't participated in this kind of indoor variety show, and it's my first time to participate in a talk show. It's inevitable to be a little nervous." "And there is another reason." At this point, Li Jingyuan was embarrassed to show a smile, and then looked at Liu Zaishi, the words stopped.
Li Jingyuan so suddenly sold a pass, others are naturally very curious, Jin yuanxi this authentic aunt is the most gossip, hurriedly asked: "What is another reason?" "Oh, I just feel a little awkward, usually see Hongzhe brother and Shi brother when they are outside, really did not participate in this kind of program experience with them, ah, according to my feeling, we should shout like this." After saying that, Li Jingyuan stood up, crouched slightly on his legs, put his hands together in front of his chest, and opened his fingers. Seeing such an action, Lu Hongzhe and Liu Zaishi also stood up very cooperatively, followed Li Jingyuan to put out the same action, and then shouted together: "Infinite ~ Challenge ~!" "Ha ha ha ha!" I saw three people shouting the slogan of "Infinite Challenge", those girls' generation and ka. "A's girl laughed, and the whole studio seemed to be much younger." Hey, I've been doing this for a long time. Jingyuan, you know me too well. After shouting the slogan, Lu Hongzhe stepped forward and clapped hands with Li Jingyuan. Then he returned to his seat and sat down. His action caused a burst of laughter. Even several of the staff in charge of filming laughed. That's what you can do in "Come and Play", after all, "Infinite Challenge" and "Come and Play" belong to m. C's program, so even in this program to mention "Infinite Challenge" there is no taboo place, Li Jingyuan also thought of this, will be so no scruples, otherwise, why didn't he and Yin Zhiyuan shout "Two Days and One Night" together. Li Jingyuan's little action, although a little abrupt, but the effect is still very good, at least after he made such a fuss,collapsible pallet box, the girls laughed for a while, tension reduced a lot, shooting up more relaxed.
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